Back of the Dragon Trip (WARNING: EPIC FAIL CONTENT)

So I took the trip with the car guys on my bike. We are suppose to go to the back of the dragon and then down to deals gap. Well back of the dragon was pretty nice.

I took Shaba's brother this time.

To my own poor decision, and not listening to Yermo's warning, "skyline drive sucks, the speed limit is way too low". I took skyline drive...

I eventually got a ticket for 200 bucks. The cop stated that he "got me going at a certain speed". He got me on radar when he was driving towards me, and I was directly behind another car... Yea okay... He was totally harassing me, knowing I was an out of town-er. Asking me to put my hand up like if I was a mass criminal... Then he ask me all kinds of inappropriate questions like my SSN like I'm some illegal immigrant; this was well after he cross checked all my license and registration.

I'm not foreign to racism, but losing my cool was having it effect me emotionally was really an issue. I lost my cool, just like how I got seriously injured on my snowboard that one year. It's really hard to tell when you are emotionally compromised. That's why it is very important to travel and do any high risk activity with people that will compliment you well to slow you down. People that can tell you how to act, when they know that you are out of your head and won't admit it. The person that will take your key away from you, when they know you have too much to drink.

I had alot of fun, but getting angry at the cop for harassing me got under my skin. Some where mentality I locked up, and eventually I came into this corner, and hit a few gravel, recovered. The another corner... gravel, recovered. But little by little, my eye sight started focusing on the floor where the gravels are and not where I was going. On a inside turn on this road call "the back of the dragon" (not to be confused with deals gap), I was turning left, I locked up on the handle bar. My eyes were fixated no more than 6 feet in front of me. I was half lean over. I hear myself telling my self as the bike refuse to turn anymore. "let go, let go, your going to crash, you need to let go, LET GO, BAM!" It was an odd sensation, I couldn't let go my grip even though I was telling myself to do so. I see myself crashing 4 seconds before the crash, and each second I was telling myself to let go. I hit the ground probably at 25 to 30 miles an hour. The bike flew in the ditch, and I somehow was standing in the middle of the road the instant after. I want to say, I had a religious experience, and that my life flash before my eyes, etc. The truth is, it happen so quickly, I didn't even have time to be scare or feel anything. The bike was facing the opposite direction, so it must have spun 180.

First thing I was worried about is that Shabas brother was on the top of the bike, and strapped in to the tank bag. I ran over and got him out. Thank goodness he was alright, I would have really lost myself if he was damaged. Jeff 1 and Jeff 3 came soon after and helped me get the bike up and out of the ditch. It was way too far over, and lifting 500 lb from a half upside down position was more than I can handle by myself. The bag mount broke off on one side, the windshield shattered in couple pieces, my phone was mounted on my bike, and remarkably it didnt seem damaged. I would later find out that the phone was bent, but the screen didnt crack.

Remarkably other than those damage the bike itself didn't even get scratched. I replace the windshield and the bag, reset the ABS and the bike was just fine. I put another 10 thousand miles on it already, and it is now prepped to go cross country. I rode couple hundred miles back by myself after the crash. Bruised ego, no injuries, another little nick on my helmet.

A crash and lock up can happen anytime. Having a calm and collected head is always the most important thing in riding. Never ride angry, never ride annoyed. I have alot to work on, getting over things that bothers me. If anything, to keep myself alive.


2013 Cross Country - Packing and Bike Prep


Deals Gap 2012 (The Ride Back) - 636 miles