2014 Eastern Mountain Pass - Day 4 - 200 miles


Today we started at the same time around 9:00 ish. 

I burned nearly a quart of oil over the last two days. That's pretty annoying, it is one of the niggling thing about this boxer motor that bother me even more than the stupid transmission spline failures. My ducati never burn a drop of oil in 4500 miles I put on it. Where the BMW needs half a quart every 500 miles. All boxer motors are the same, they eat oil. So it's not this specific design or model or brand, the opposable twin all eat oil. In a car that might be blah blah, you can carry a whole 10 gallon in the trunk if you are that paranoid, but lugging around a quart of oil, and what seemingly like I need another one, is utter ridiculous.

Our first stop was the water fall. Josh and rob been here, but I haven't so is was really neat for me. I washed my face and hair and cooled off my Daniese cooling shirt. We basically head out 28 and just wind up all the way through 28. It was some really nice roads. 

I got most of it on the go pro, which I promptly erased. Cause it kind of was boring fotos of the road. I got a few good ones. 

We had lunch at a standalone diner that was on the way to the dragon. We were talking about how this place is new, and Josh ask the waitress "how long has this been here?" "30 + years" was our answer. So basically it was here before I was born. ROFL. Pretty funny. 

 I got a catfish sandwich. The food was actually really good. Service was pretty.... Slow. 

We met a guy on a triumph tiger 800. He is apparently a photographer. When he was asking rob for some roads in West Virginia... He pulled out a note pad... Not like a nice note pad, of like a traveler, but like one of those note pad you see at a general store in the middle of no where, they don't accept credit card, and when you go up to the counter the cashier pulls out a tattered little booklet where he writes down what's he's sold in the store for a month. It's that type of note pad. Hahahaha

You meet the wierdest people. At the gas station, this guy came over from his truck and was mesmerized at the go pro josh had in front of his bike. He was like "WOW what is that! Is that like... " I don't remmeber what he said, but it definitely amazed him that this high tech thing exist... -_-' 

We came back and decided to run the dragon. We went to the overlook and turn around. Super tired. Rob just left us in the dust. I road the same pace I usually do, albeit I felt kind of off, I knew I shouldn't have eaten those chili cheese fries for lunch. Too late now. Anyways I made it alive. 

When we got back to the cabin, I finally got a call from the adjuster of the final verdict on my ducati. Except he called me at 4:45 when he is off at 5. So I'll have to call him tmr morning. To be honest, I always knew and felt the ducati makes me look like a monkey humping a football. The bike is too small. But I wanted a classic monster ever since the beginning of time. If they total it now I might be alright with it. I'm ready for another change. 

We take so many things for granted living in the city. Everyone has an iPad, iPhone etc, present company included. When we are at home, it becomes an inseperable part of us, as if we can not live without such life entertainment. It was something I never had growing up until college. Even then, it was just a phone, there was no internet plan or texting. But somehow it became a necessity. Sometimes I come out here in the mountains and while I still take photos and post them and write my blog at night, there are moments I remmeber how simple life was back then, no internet, no phones, no constant marketing. Sometimes I look around and just enjoy where I am because there are no service in the mountains. Sometimes, just soemtimes, when I forget to take photos and forgotten to check my text msg and email, for a moment however brief, I am reminded how simple life still is if I want it to be. 


2014 Eastern Mountain Pass - Day 5 - 200 miles


2014 Eastern Mountain Pass - Day 3 - 241 miles