This is our arrival at Frankfurt. They open up the rear and we thought they were gonna have us go out the back, but they just open it up for ventilation lol.
Walking to the other gate to go to Milan. In front of the smoking lounges.
And then Anna's
And mine came soon after....
The converter stops
Molly facing with the grim possibility that she's the only one without a luggage lol
It showed up eventually. She didn't even recognize her own bag.... #epicfail
Town center near a b class collaseeum
Some place where people post thier love for each other, we were unimpressed lol
An hour to go around ourselves
We all got food !
Waiting at the gathering place for other groups to come back 3:15 pm
We thought that's all we getting
Thank goodness it wasn't. We also got desert. But it was dairy, and I couldn't have any so I was bitter and didn't take any photos.