Tools and Security


Tools and Security

- Front Tire Tube

- Rear Tire Tube 

- Motion Pro Tire Spoon 2x

- Bead Breaker Motion Pro

TOOL ROLL - Kriega

Craftsman Wrench (8, 10, 11, 12, 14, 17)

Craftsman Socket (10, 12, 14, 17)

Craftsman Hex Head Socket (4, 5, 6, 8)

Snap-On (8mm long socket, 2 inch extension, 6 inch extension, sliding T handle)

7 inch Knipex Adjustable Pliers

7 inch Craftman vice grip

Zip Ties (4 inch & 8 inch)

Wire Cutter & Needle Nose Plier (4.5 inch)

2.5 mm Allen Key

Loctite Thread Locker (Blue)

Super 33+ Electric Tape

OEM Spark Plug socket, Phillip and Flat Head Screw Driver

Kobalt Mini Flathead

19mm and 22mm Axle Wrench Combo


- Bungee net

- Gaskets and Orings 

- Tire pressure Gauge

- Ear Plugs 

- LockStrap - 2.5 ft 

- Kyptonite Caliper Lock

- Saddlemen Distination Pack




Camping Gear


Camera and Video Equipment