2013 Cross Country (Day 13) - 214 miles - Thursday 07/25


We decided to have a slow day. But we ended up leaving around the same time. 

There was quite a few pitstops required. Yermo needed some kind of pharmacy, I needed to get my saline solution for my contacts from target. We needed to do the oil change on the bike, needed to visit the first Starbucks. Etc etc. 

I would tell you city life isn't for me, but the truth is, when I rode through the city, it didn't bother me as I thought it would. 

I lose 10 lb on my face in the morning. So odd. Looking out from our magically lucky hotel that Yermo got.

Me at the 1st Starbucks ever!!!! Line was out the door around the corner. 

Yermo watching the bike. It was a no parking loading zone, but everyone parked there. Yermo suggested we shouldn't do that, he is probably right, so we didn't stay and went to another Starbucks. 

Drove to target north of town after an extended coffee break

I was concern of our oil changes would have to happen under the sun. In some busy park lot in the city, would get gawked on or even ticketed. When we got to the Autozone, there was no shade. But after we walked in or walked out there was. How lucky :). The attendant at Autozone was super nice, and wanted to give us a use oil pan to help us, but they couldn't find a use one, so we bought two oil pans for 3 bucks a pop. They can recycle the oil ! All done. It was a lot more pleasant than I thought. It was definitely more pleasant with actual tools that Yermo had, like actual ratchet and wrench. 

We went to get lunch and finally got under way for the day

Chevron station before our first day heading east. Brown bear car wash, is all over the place.

Took a while to get to route 20 from i5. Route 20 took a while to break away the traffic. Yermo suggested we take a break, it was a good idea too, because we would find out its the last stop before the mountain pass. 

Stop at an overlook. Turquoise Lake Diablo, highlight of the day.

Ending the cascade mountains, the last overlook as we head out. We ended at this really neat town call Winthrop in WA. We stayed at the lodging. 

Some RV park vacation skateboard riff rafts about 14 yrs old try to steal our GPS from our bikes when we were having dinner. 

The locking mount worked as advertised. What a bunch of losers. Local peeps were super nice. 

It wasn't until yesterday in the cascades I finally started to under stand what it meant to look through the cornering the turn. Well I always knew, and always "did it" but I got it yesterday. It took me well over 20k to get it. Shocking to know I ridden all this time just going through the motion. 


2013 Cross Country (Day 14) - 200 ish miles - Friday 07/26


2013 Cross Country (Day 12) - 284 miles - Wednesday 07/24