Cross Country 2013 - the rise of the Ducati
I send sent my bike to Anton Largiader in VA about 2.5 hours away. Anton seem very reputable on the forum, and use to be a roommate of one of my riding buddy. The bike arrived 3 weeks after it broke down. I'm not gonna lie, the first few days was pretty hard, just like any longer trip I have done so far. It just didn't feel right to not get on the bike in the morning.
In the month that follows, Anton seem to have disappeared. Emails takes weeks to comeback, phone calls that always go to voicemail. I would later find out that he let my bike sit for a month before getting to it.
This is about the month and a half in between. The month where I am forced to rediscover myself. What to do with the time that I have? Where would I go?
I found more and more of myself as the days went by. Training and getting fit again, reminded me of all the things that made me feel alive more than the bike ever did. I felt I could take on the world again.
And I got my new speedbag, after I exploded the previous one....
As I tell Phaedon, this bag is dying everyday, see... I walk over and bam it exploded in the 3rd hit.
And I hung out with the boys more, since they aren't as big on bikes... We did a lot of climbing
I haven't gotten stressed for a long while now. I obsessed over nothing, and I don't really worry about a lot of things.
As time goes on, I wonder how long I have been overly obsessed about so many things. The variables that I once believe to have causality are more correlation than cause and effect. It is human nature to correlate our behavior to a given positive result and regret those choices we make that does not merit the result we desired.
Things can happen with or without our intervention, and for many that is a very difficult thing to accept. We been taught by so many indicators that we are unique and special. While in the grand theme that is true, the other spectrum is just as valid, that we are insignificant in the grand theme. The comfort for me lies in the medium, that I am unique, but really not unique. I am important, but not really that important.
A few weeks went by, I wonder what does motorcycling did for me. I have grew more the month that follow than the 20 days on the road. But the 20 days was crucial in balancing my emotion. The change however, came after.
I grew restless waiting for Anton and bought a Ducati. Got a color I wasn't really sure about, but with Phaedon's encouragement, he said, go for it and own the color. So I embraced the difference and love every minute of it.
So in the past month I rode more bikes than I have rode in the last 3 years.
I was always wary about riding other peoples bike. What if I drop it? What if it's unsafe? What if it breaks when I'm on it? And a myriad of other million questions. But the question I should be asking is, "am I going to let my 'fear logic' control my life?" Because that is ultimately the problem, is the logic. Logic is seldom logical.
Just as I started riding. I started to be able to go to places and not worry. I rode faster and less like 30 going on 85, but more like 30 going on 25. I didn't care about the scratches on the fender, or the blemish in the paint. I don't tread fearfully of others emotional frailty. I don't perseverate much anymore, I can get emotional from time to time, but it doesn't bother me. Things are not that serious.
Do I need a bike? I asked myself that question, is it my identity? No. I didn't need it. Was it a symbol of freedom? Sure. But for me it's not what it seems. The idea of the bike, the idea of riding, became much simpler than the grandiose connection I had once believed.
The obvious was that it's fun, it's a rush, it's freedom, it's the vulnerability, it's about being alive, about letting go, about feeling young, it's about taking risk, and leathers. I do love the leathers.
At the end of the day, it is a catalyst that freed me from my own barriers in my mind. It allowed me to be free from myself, and the barriers that I have created over the years. It gave me back my youth, and more importantly it gave me back what I have lost for so many years and finally found again, my sanity.
Old girl came home. Anton did a fantastic job and the price was reasonable but I would never send anything to him to fix that I would need back. lol.
2013 Cross Country (Day 16 + 17) - 3630 miles - Sunday and Monday
The morning after at the airport I was super sleepy. I had a drink with Yermo while we shot some pool with the locals
KGM motorcycle transport is whom I'm using to ship the bike. I was told to call on Monday and arrange shipping.
2013 Cross Country (Day 15) - 0 mile - Saturday 7/27
Many of us planned if not expected a certain ending when we set out to do something, for me, I started planning on how this trip will end before I left. Even though I wanted to return triumphant from a long trip across the country, riding my steel horse that I have entrusted since the day I bought it, somehow I knew my bike won't make it on its own power. It wasn't mechanical knowledge or some scientific deduction of how I came to this conclusion. I always seem to have a certain six sense to things. It was going to happen, but it didn't matter.
For reasons that may forever remain obscure to me, I went against 10 years of fear and comfort and left to tour the usa on my motorcycle. Last minute on the whim. Why? Because I want to and the only thing stopping me was my own logic.
Why is this the perfect ending? "Yun your bike broke down across the country, that blows" I know. Its perfect this way, because if it never broke down, I would have never know how much I have changed when facing with adversity. I am not nonchalant, in fact, I know it's gonna be costly, but it's okay. It's just not a big deal.
I could of struggle through this alone, but I am forever grateful Yermo is here with me. I could of survived just fine on my own, but this trip wouldn't have been what it was without Yermo.
We talked about what is logical to do this morning. There was the parts availability concern, too much time frame, maybe I can rent a bike and ride back. As I look at it at the end, I know I can ride back, I know I can suck it up and ride 700 to 800 miles a days if I need to. Especially if its hot, I tend to absorb the yellow suns energy.😛 My bike broke, it's time to go home. I am ready to go home. I am remarkably happy for someone who's favorite toy just self destructed, as we joke on the trip every time we do something inherently unsafe, "it was totally worth it".
When i left, I had a list of things I was going to work on. Letting go my fear of abandonment with my bears, needing someone there, wanting someone to order food and make those decision for me that i can easily make, getting hair cut, not wanting to leave my comfort area, fear of getting sick, the list goes on and on. I wonder when I will over come these things, and whether on the trip I will flare up, get too sick, or become so home sick that I breakdown. I wondered if the road will take me back to a time where losing them was my only fear.
What I did not know at the time, but I do know now as I write this final entry of the trip, is that I have move on and left all those things behind long before I left 15 days ago.
Each time we are with someone, we change. Sometimes for better, but more often than not it brings out the worst of us. In the last 4 years, I have try to accommodate her emotional needs and in turn I have obsessed over thing that I never had in the past. I have recompense for her imagined slights and allow the physical and verbal abuse to question my own self worth. In the month that followed, I did not felt any urge to see how she is doing like I had with others in the past. She really treated me poorly.
But I digress, i love her and I miss them. I loved her the best i can, i saw her insecurities and love her for them. But she lost herself in her fears, and push her insecurities onto me. What she always fail to see is that I have always seen her differently than she sees herself. What she thought was her weakness, I always saw it as her strength. I have always saw the best in her when she saw the worst in herself.
In the last 10 years, i have dated significant others and had close friends who have had been afflicted with extreme difficulties in their life. Over the years, with my injury and sickness, I too have defined myself by my fears and pain. I have always understood those who suffer at the hands of misfortunate, and for the longest time I have thought I was one of them. Then I remember the boy who took the metro by himself to dc everyday at 13. I remember the kid that told his parents at 12 years old that they no longer have to worry about me anymore, and brought home straight A, ever since. I was always able to reinvent myself. While i love them all dearly and will always cherish them I was never one of them.
I remember when she was leaving what must've almost 3 month ago or more, (it still feels like yesterday), I said to her in total emotional mess, "I'm damage goods". She responded swiftly and angrily with conviction "No, you are NOT!", perhaps she have always knew me better than I know myself.
Expect her in 10 days. And then I'll fix her up. :)
2013 Cross Country (Day 14) - 200 ish miles - Friday 07/26
The started with us going to Lewiston Idaho. We saw this Harley dude outside
We took a pitstops at coulee dam. Ran on fumes on this tank
Then it happened. My bikes spline shaft self destructed. It's consistent with forum discussions. No real warning, and bam. Side of the road. Yermo tow me 21 miles with buddy tow.
We arrive at best western. No rooms available. Meghan our receptionist, call multiple hotels in the area for us, and got us a single room at econolodge. She even drove me and my luggage there. So awesome.
She told me she would pick me up next morning back to best western, since the dealership is across the road. We booked Sunday night already, since we do not expect to go anywhere.
Sure enough she picked me up in her red pick up on her way to work at 8 ish. Maybe I need to move out to the country and get away from the city slickers.
Now I'm waiting for the shop to open across the road to make some determinations.
Option 1 - ship the bike back (750), fly back (350)
*wont be here to ship the bike if it takes a while
*storage fees and possible extended shipping issues I can't take care of
Option 2 - west side can fix my bike. Ride home
*might take too long, can't get to it for a while
*they aren't BMW specific, may not be good with older tech and the fix can break before I get home.
*pay an extreme premium
We will see what happens. The money part sucks, but I'm quite indifferent about this, I guess that's progress. Hahaha
2013 Cross Country (Day 13) - 214 miles - Thursday 07/25
We decided to have a slow day. But we ended up leaving around the same time.
There was quite a few pitstops required. Yermo needed some kind of pharmacy, I needed to get my saline solution for my contacts from target. We needed to do the oil change on the bike, needed to visit the first Starbucks. Etc etc.
I would tell you city life isn't for me, but the truth is, when I rode through the city, it didn't bother me as I thought it would.
I lose 10 lb on my face in the morning. So odd. Looking out from our magically lucky hotel that Yermo got.
Me at the 1st Starbucks ever!!!! Line was out the door around the corner.
Yermo watching the bike. It was a no parking loading zone, but everyone parked there. Yermo suggested we shouldn't do that, he is probably right, so we didn't stay and went to another Starbucks.
Drove to target north of town after an extended coffee break
I was concern of our oil changes would have to happen under the sun. In some busy park lot in the city, would get gawked on or even ticketed. When we got to the Autozone, there was no shade. But after we walked in or walked out there was. How lucky :). The attendant at Autozone was super nice, and wanted to give us a use oil pan to help us, but they couldn't find a use one, so we bought two oil pans for 3 bucks a pop. They can recycle the oil ! All done. It was a lot more pleasant than I thought. It was definitely more pleasant with actual tools that Yermo had, like actual ratchet and wrench.
We went to get lunch and finally got under way for the day
Chevron station before our first day heading east. Brown bear car wash, is all over the place.
Took a while to get to route 20 from i5. Route 20 took a while to break away the traffic. Yermo suggested we take a break, it was a good idea too, because we would find out its the last stop before the mountain pass.
Stop at an overlook. Turquoise Lake Diablo, highlight of the day.
Ending the cascade mountains, the last overlook as we head out. We ended at this really neat town call Winthrop in WA. We stayed at the lodging.
Some RV park vacation skateboard riff rafts about 14 yrs old try to steal our GPS from our bikes when we were having dinner.
The locking mount worked as advertised. What a bunch of losers. Local peeps were super nice.
It wasn't until yesterday in the cascades I finally started to under stand what it meant to look through the cornering the turn. Well I always knew, and always "did it" but I got it yesterday. It took me well over 20k to get it. Shocking to know I ridden all this time just going through the motion.
2013 Cross Country (Day 12) - 284 miles - Wednesday 07/24
Our goal today was to make it to Seattle. It wasn't a difficult goal. We knew it will be a lot of traffic near the city. I got fully loaded up with the gear. Windproof liner, fleece, my thermos top and bottom, using the BMW silk liner glove was awesome combination with the Atlantis glove. It was a seriously chilly morning, but I had no issues. Hard to imagine, I didn't get the fleece what it would be like, or even the sedici Duncan had. I would have survive without either, it would have just turn something awesome to a whole lots of suck. But alas it was good :)
Neat rock formations, so we stop, still on 101. All the bridge photos are via go pro, so it'll have to be uploaded later.
As we gone across the bridge, while at speed at 50 some miles an hour, I got shitted on by a seagull
"Dats the shit" Yermo said as I showed him. Hahahaha
As we putted along, we saw this sign for cape disappointment. It was a must see with a name like cape disappointment. We came and took a look.
As we rode out there was a nice littler stretch that reminded us of the dragon. Not disappointed at all.
Took forever for us to find something to eat, it was pretty rural. No Verizon service for the last 100 miles. I asked our hostess what cell service she uses, apparently they use US cellular.
A fews ways out on route 6 heading towards i5. We had to strip down our gears as the temperature rose 15 + degrees very quickly. It wasn't until we got to the gas station by i5 that I finally got service. I text Sid telling him I'm going to be late. He said ill hit traffic, and it'll more be like 6:30 before I arrive.
Finally got into Seattle. Around 6. Traffic was bad, but not terrible. We turn off at our first stop. I called Sid, and got the address, apparently I turn off too early, I should of kept on the interstate.
It wasn't until 7 when I got to Sids place. Nick soon show up after. Then we met Tom at la isla for some Puerto Rican food. It was awesome.
The guys were very generous and treated me for dinner. I look like I gain 10 lbs at the end of the day off the bike. Hahaha. Everyone aged well and looked to be in excellent health. Knowing we went to middle school together, grew up competing in tennis, hung out etc etc, and that we all are doing well made me really happy. It's not something everyone will be able to say after 10 years.
Since our eta was originally 4 pm and we didn't get into the city until 6:15, Yermo went looking for lodging on the upper part of the city, while I looked for Sids place. Everything was booked in the city. It was booked even when Yermo went to this comfort in, but just when he was about to walk out someone canceled. The room was available to him. It was good luck. Stupendous luck, much like most of the weather this trip. We road through crazy thunderstorm cells, only to pretty much miss it completely, like the sky parted the way for us. Maybe it was Yermo's luck all along and not mine. Either way I'm glad we had lodging.
At dinner, we talked a lot about people in this modern society. The digital age, and how people outside the city are so much kinder, the pace of life is slower. Less superficial and more effort to building that friendship. It is the same talk me and Yermo had as we cross the country.
I have not seen Nik and Sid for over a decade, I haven't seen Tom since he move to Seattle a few years back. We talked like it was yesterday, with no reservations, and no guard about our social status, or material wealth. There was a much stronger bond, before the information age. We lived it growing up. We had to adapt and work with one another. We had to define ourselves base on our ability to adapt not by identifying and celebrating our sense of uniqueness for being alive.
Sid took us out on his m3 across town. Apparently he has become a Motorsport enthusiast. Ironic, we would have so much in common after so many years.
Thank you Nik, Sid, and Tom for your hospitality in Seattle. I had a great time.
2013 Cross Country (Day 11) - miles - Tuesday 07/23
No definitely timeline. I contact Nik,Sid, and Tom yesterday. It seems like meeting them on Wednesday afternoon was the plan. So we did not have to be in Seattle today. It's only couple hundred miles total, so we took it easy to 101, continuing on the awesome road 138, which turn into 38 which we saw this...
Elk observation. There were lots of bucks. Quite a nice detour.
My first look at the Pacific Ocean, marking my first motorcycle cross country.
Fog amass in the distance. We came to another pull off
Yermo and this puppy. He/she was beyond adorable, fighting the wind. It was super windy and pretty cold. From the inland to coast line we drop nearly 30 degrees. We wore our fleece under. Heavy fog and quite the gust. The ride was go pro but ill have to process the video later for video snaps. It was pretty interesting on the coast riding by the sea, different kind of awesome.
We found a Starbucks finally after oh... 4 days? And we gassed up. Ominous cloud moving across the mountain. I try to vine it, but it's hard to capture.
We ended at tillamook. Got really cold as the sun went down. We decided to get all liner up tmr, and go. I got all the necessary gears thanks to Yermo's experience. Heated vest, thermos, fleece, etc etc. it will be in the low 50s and on the bike it'll be nearly 40 degrees with windchill.
I talk to Sid on the phone. Told him where I was, and when I will arrive. I'll call him when I'm in the city today. Expected eta to Seattle is around 3 or 4. I haven't seen them in 10 years or more.
Waking up in a hotel room, eating continental breakfast is my new normal. I really need a haircut... Looking like some crazy person when I take off my helmet.
Reaching the other side is some what melancholy, knowing that I will soon have to turn around and go home. I do miss my friends, family, and even work. I wish I could bring them to see what I saw and will continue to experience. But this was tough. It isn't for everyone. Riding all day, scaling a cliff, fighting your fears, heavy cross wind, desert heat. It isn't for everyone.
Two years ago, when I started riding, you tell me I could tred across the country, I would tell you there is no way. One year ago, when I took my longest ride to the gap I would still tell you no way. Yet here I am with all the right training and all the proper gear, thanks to Yermo Lamers, I am able to enjoy this ride across the country.
2013 Cross Country (Day 10) - 276 miles - Monday 07/22
I had to jerry rig my hatch mechanism. But I manage to fix it. Had too much spring rate and it would eject the pin every other time. Total pita, but now it's fixed and its working better than ever. Getting ready as usual. We ended up doing laundry again.
Riding through to crater lake, we got there relatively quickly. We took a pit stop at this gorge
We arrive at crater lake very quickly. At the lookout there was a hike up to a lookout point about a mile up. We decided not to do that. Instead we went to the next stop where we can walk down to the water. It was a hell of a walk down. I had all my leathers on and even brought my jacket.
It was very steep grade and likely over a mile and a half down hill. We already know walking up will be a #%*+^
Got to the bottom. Then we went down to the water, debating whether to jump in with my leathers. Decided to hop in and swim. Notice wet leathers. Yermo has photo of me swimming. Here is Yermo still sporting his shades while swimming.
The water was cold af! Like freezing, but it was awesome. You can see so far down, kinda creepy. They also allow snorkeling and scuba. Something to do next time!
Here is me getting ready to walk up. We spend a good 45 min there. It was quite the hike. Super steep and spirals up, with multiple switch backs. Yermo showing his happiness at the top.
To both of our surprise, we rested and were just fine. We got on our bike and left.
We did 109 miles of awesome down hill mountain road. I want to say the road is 138. 80 miles of downward spiral. We got into town and found a place to stay. Tomorrow we reach the pacific.
Yermo stated that my riding has improved. I haven't really been trying to actively improve my riding, I think the miles does its own thing.
Crater lake look surreal. Just when I thought it wouldn't get any better! I've seen everything this trip. It's hard to imagine anything else will top these sights, but each time I am amazed.
I have come to two conclusion at the end of the day today. 1. I need to get out more 2. All these sci fi people are not as creative as I thought.
2013 Cross Country (Day 9) - 453 miles - Sunday 7/21
Having morning photo uploading issue. Will add them later. This is a quirky town where we had lunch. The time difference is kinda weird. Now that I'm 3 hours behind EST though I'm still going to sleep the same time and waking up the same time. Aka 11pm and 6 am
We rode a bit, Yermo is now an official professional motorcycle photographer. I am unable to take as many photos since we haven't stop as often, but Yermo takes quite a lot of picture while he is riding. I am rather jelly of his photos 😣
We rode through some seriously heavy wind and 100+ degree desert. There were many 100ft tall dust devils swirling around and crossing the road. Luckily we didn't get hit "directly" by any of them. :)
Yermo has more photos of the dust devil, I will have to get them later.
As we come up on our 230 ish mile marker, we still had plenty of gas. In fact, we had just barely 70 miles on the tank. We saw this gas station, and made a decision to take a break. I ask Yermo since I was leading "lets stop, " he reply "sure why not". We usually take a break around 80 miles, and in this case we could of continue riding. Or just stop for 5 min and took off and waited till the next gas station to gas up.
We parked our bikes in the shade, and took our time. Went inside to sit down. Then this GS rider came in. We chatted. And then he ask us where we are going, we told him the route, he then said to us "your not gonna make it". We found out from the GS rider and the gas attendant that the halfway gas stop is out of gas. Making the hike across where we are going 190 miles without gas.
My bike usually get 180 miles max before running on fumes. Not to mention if we didn't stop we would be empty 90 miles in the desert. With 100 miles each way of nothing. That could of been really really bad in 102 degree heat.
We gas up and bought a small container for life line. One gallon "at least you will make it" is our running joke. Hahaha
190 miles of nothing. We took a water break in the sun, with absolutely no cover. I'm surprise Yermo is still alive. Hahaha.
We stopped here. And there was a trail for a hand gliding launch. It was an unbelievable desert scene. So Yermo "encourage me " to go down the trail. So I did :)
Totally worth it, and I'm glad he encourage me.
You can see the road by the mountain. I have more photos that my phone is refusing the transfer right now.
We ended up rolling down the mountain in neutral. Yermo made it much farther than I did, because he didn't brake. I was a bit chicken shit rolling with no power around the 25 mph corner at 45, so i ended up slowing down more. I had to turnover the motor at the flats. Yermo almost made it over the next hill to continue rolling. It was nearly 7 miles. Wow! Final flat, we roll another 3 miles. As the sun set, we are 140 miles in
We made it at 184.+ 10 rolling miles. 194 miles. I still manage to have half a gallon left. I would have made it. Barely on fumes, but I would have made it.
We ate at a bar. If we were 2 minutes late, the cook would have left, but instead we got good food, and I tried this awesome root beer.
We are having a whole day of good luck, Yermo is convince he will have to pay for it later. Or that something will go horribly wrong. Hahaha
I have always had good luck. While there were many things that happen to me as I was growing up that is challenging, when it comes to things that matters, it has always been good. I remember sitting in the cafeteria in QOHS at lunch everyday, one day I decided not to eat there, a huge fight broke out at the Chinese and Korean table.
Then there was the hurricane that went through UMCP. I change my mind the morning of the storm and left in the afternoon. My car or myself would have been dead.
There were so many more instances of luck. Why did we stop at the gas stop? Why did we choose to do so? Was it luck? I was once told. 'Luck is a skill that we have yet understood how to replicate'. Maybe it was just dumb luck.
2013 Cross Country (Day 8) - 429 miles - Saturday 07/20
It was going to be hot morning. Temperature from weather channel said it was 100 degrees. I wet down the sedici and it actually feels kinda cold. I got ready in 15 min. Packing everyday, my bag gets smaller and smaller. Hahaha, I wonder if I'm losing cloth. It would seem I'm becoming a better packer. Out goal today is to hit the salt flats. It was quite a lot of miles on the interstate. The holiday inn we found that was just spectacular. The landscape changes often. It was actually rather pleasant ride in the heat. We also made a pit stop at post office. We made it to the visitor center for a cool off.
Just 50 some miles from the flats. One of the only gas station stop. We were running rather close to empty. When we got to the salt flats... We found it
Under water...... Me standing in the water. Rather disappointed.
We got to a days inn soon after.
It was right by the Nevada border. Where the line ends in Utah, the casino began. There was no food what so ever, except the casino. We had to eat in the casino, which turn out to be quite the unpleasant experience.
For the past three days, I've been passing out right when we return to the hotel. I would talk to Yermo mid sentence while he cycle through the photo on his laptop, and next thing I know it is the next morning.
The rhythm has set in. I still wake up each day wondering if I'm going to want to turn around and go home. But each day I get up, eat and got ready. The only thing I want to do, is to see where the road will take me.
2013 Cross Country (Day 7) - 225 miles - Friday 07/19
Waking up to the mountains was pretty awesome. Yermo looked really tire today. I heard him up at 2 am writing his blog. Dedication!
I'm doing better and better everyday, but I was a bit tire from yesterday. It's even better when there is Starbucks right there 3 blocks from the inn.
We took off on our way to Mount Evans. The elevation really got to me at pikes peak the day before. I felt like I got a super workout when I came off the mountain. Everything was kind of hurting, but in a good way.
The part where I felt like I was riding into the cloud was kind of nerve wrecking. It may have elevated my heart rate and anxiety. All I know was I was a little short of breath. So when I discover mount Evans was taller than pikes peak, I was worry if my health was failing, which would suck. That and I might get too sick up top.
Having serious health issues suck. After my trip to China it seem to be the focal point of my concern and anxiety, ironically this cause the problem to always worsen. Everything revolves around that fear. But as Yermo put it, we are here "to get out of my own head".
Just a bit up mount Evans road. My anxiety was kicking in. I got the fleece on cause its already cold. At the first turn, up the mountain there was a serious dip and bump on the road. I freaked and tighten on the bar. #epic fail. Went way wide. Got all squirrelly No car or anything near, but I spook myself.
I gather my nerves and got my Atlantis gloves on and turn the heated grip on.
At the "top" by the observatory. The way up can only be describe as unreal. No guard rails. Bumpy ride all the way up. Switch backs one after another. I would best describe this, if you ever play the game 'shadow of the colossus'
Just epic epic scene with 10 to 14 thousand drops every turn. You are literally on the edge of the cliff.
Surprisingly I'm unaffected at all, the ride up, we were literally in the clouds. The road was much more technical than pikes peak. The switch backs were tighter. But i felt like a million bucks. Sure I felt tire if I try to power walk, but no shortness of breath no anxiety. The fleece really helped. There is the mountain goat near us.
At the top hiking to the overlook, was about a mile up. It was quite the hike at the elevation. Took it nice and slow.
As we came down, both of us had our go pro on. I was on 2 sec video snap and Yermo was on video. The clouds came into the mountain. Just when I thought it couldn't get more awesome. Riding down the mountain in the clouds.
Another epic shot on the way down.
Going up mount Evans was much more dangerous than pikes peak. It was much more technical. But instead of feeling wary, I felt just fine. In fact, I have neve felt more myself in those moments climbing to the summit.
Was that me? On a motorcycle going to the top of the mountain. Tight switch back roads, no guard rails. Skittish drivers cutting over to my lane. The cold, the thousands of feet drop. Nothing bothered me. Was I becoming more of myself and discovering my inner strength or am I moving on to become something more. Either way, as the day fade to night, these questions while unanswered didn't seem to matter. I said to Yermo at dinner, "lets just ride".
2013 Cross Country (Day 6) - 150 miles - Thursday 7/18
Today was a slow day. We started late. Yermo slept in a bit, and I went down stairs to get breakfast at 6 am. I went to bed at 10. I can't sleep in.
I ate breakfast, caught up on Tuesdays post. I felt a lot better, it was a day that is needed. To reboot and catch up. When I went back up stairs, it was around 8:30. I was expecting to see Yermo still dead in bed 😝 but to my surprise he was all washed up and ready to go to breakfast.
So he went downstairs, and said he will do laundry, which we try to do the night before, but could not since only one machine was operational and it was occupied. My body seem to have adjusted to the trip. My gum is no longer bothering me, the Charley horse is waning, my back has long since been fine. I took my time and cleaned up and wrote another days of blog from the day before.
When I went downstairs, I ask Yermo how his blogging is coming along, it would seem he has been fixing a problem on his laptop and written very little. I asked him if the laundry was done, and responded with surprise "I totally forgot to put it in the dryer." So I see the coins on the table, he hands them to me, and I walked over... I got confused, because someone had threw our cloth in the dryer already and put their cloth in the washer. I didn't know which was which and I assumed that the washer was the dryer since our cloth is in one and someone else was in another. I walked back and said... It's being used, someone is using the dryer. This girl was sitting not too far away from us, and heard the entire conversation and looked over.
Now you are wondering, 'yun wtf are you writing paragraphs of doing laundry, come on... First world problems?' It wasn't that simple, so entertain me for a moment.
So I sat there thinking, damn I have to wait. Soon after hearing this conversation the girl got up and headed towards the laundry area. I thought, her stuff was prob in the dryer. So I sat down and surf the web on my iPad while Yermo started to continue to write.
30 some minutes later the girl came to talk to Yermo. She was young, maybe like 17 or 18. My first thought was, "damn this old man gets some serious action" as I chuckle to my self. But alas this was not the case. She came to tell us that we had to put money in the dryer... Then she gave us 3 quarters and said "here my is almost done, you can have these quarters". I was like wow! She's really nice.
Then I put everything together. She took our stuff out of the wash, put it in the dryer. It was I who screwed up and didn't start the cycle. When she heard us talking about laundry at breakfast, she went back to the laundry area and swap her cloth to the dryer, knowing we forgot to put money in. She could of came back and tell us, "hey your stuff is in the dryer, you need to put money in, I was the one who put it there" instead she took the opportunity to get her clothing done first and threw our stuff back in the washer. It was at this time and after 30 some minutes, she must have felt guilty and came and gave us the three quarters. And told us her clothing will be done soon.
No big deal, but it piss me off. You must be thinking, "Omg Yun chill the fuck out", and I should. So I chatted with Yermo. What started as, I felt deceive, ended with my demons. What is really the problem? Yermo repeated the idea throughout our conversation, 'she's nobody why are you so bother'
The problem was through all the physical abuse, deliberately punching me in the stomach after I eat, and telling me I'm weak when I told her not to. It was the verbal abuse telling me I'm old, boring, and everything else that they would cover up in front of others, as if they are nice. It was the lies that comes after that wouldn't accept any responsibility for their behavior.
She was no body, it's laundry, its whatever. But it hit a sore spot. If it was a guy that did it,I may have just been whatever. Cause they are no body. As they say in GI Joe, "knowing is half the battle" so now I know one more thing about myself. I can work on it now, now that I know what it is.
I have been having a very enjoyable time traveling with Yermo. Most people will sit there argue with me, why I'm over reacting, but Yermo will sit there and talk about it until I'm ready to stop. Which ultimately ends up coming to some of my own revelations. I'm very grateful he was able to take his time to come with me on this journey. It was super hot by the time we left.
When we got to pikes peak, Yermo's bike started losing power, cutting on and off. He said its probably the fuel filter. He then insisted I go ahead, since I have to come down anyways. He was going to figure it out. I didn't want to leave him doing it himself, but he was adamant of me going. So knowing Yermo, he means what he said. I went ahead.
I met some guys about 7 miles from the top. They ask if I was going to sturgis. And then gave me the look "you are crazy". Then they added "get there before the 28th". "I think we will be there around the 28th." I said. They looked at me with, "it's your funeral" kinda look. Hahaha
I put my fleece on knowing its gonna be 30 degrees at the top, because Yermo keeps reminding me. "It's cold as #^*+* last time I was up there".
I was about to leave, then I saw Yermo like 10 miles away in his white helmet. It was the white helmet that made it instantly recognizable. I sat and waited a good while, while watching him ride up. Damn it was awesome.
He made it, but he look overheated and exhausted. A few days on the road, I can tell as he can tell immediately when either of us are not doing well.
Riding up was pretty crazy. The clouds are eye level and when your going up an incline with no railings it felt as if I was riding into the clouds. I have this urge to just goose it and ride into the clouds. But I know I will end up 10k feet to my death, but nevertheless it is a compelling feeling.
Yermo on top of pikes peak. My iphone photography skills have improved. 😛
And.... I could help it. I didn't buy it. But I took a picture of pikes peak bear
This guy from Louisiana started talk to me. He ask where we riding from. Etc etc. then he said "you guys on college vacation?" By this time Yermo was already outside. I was like.... "I'm a lot older than I look, I'm in my 30s" he was like "shit, you look like your still in college" hahaha
Coming down the mountain was a PITA people were going 3 miles an hour riding the brakes all the way day. We weren't even going fast, maybe 30 miles an hour. But these cars might as well been stopped.
We head north with no definitely goals. We just rode. And found some amazing roads.
Notice the forest burned down from forest fire.
We got super lost by GPS flaking. Doing loopy loop around mount Evans area. I got off the bike and ask two locals if the mountain is open, since there were signs saying detour and signs that says road close. It was confusing. But they assured use can go up the mountain.
Being up in high elevation really took it out of me. At pikes peak climbing the rock, I started losing my breath. It was exhausting. We got to Idaho spring through i70 tunnel. Very nice. I was so tired.
I told Yermo, I had a twitter acct since 2005 or something and used it once. Maybe. I post to Facebook almost never before motorcycling. Now I'm using all the technology. It's an unexpected growth I had not considered.
It's about time I keep up with the times. :)
2013 Cross Country (Day 5) - 350 miles - Wed 7/17
Our goal was to hit pikes peak, and it was only 320 some miles, so we took it rather easy. I didn't sleep well the night before. My guts are still on and off. Kinda annoying. I'm starting to get charley horses alternating legs at night. Yermo says "it will go away".
I had nightmare that I was searching for my bears... So lame. I might even have cried in my dream and while i was sleeping, when I found them.... Don't remember too well. I try to not remember these lame moments very clearly. Hahaha
Today we left some what on time from dodge city. I had to add oil to my bike every 700 to 800 miles. It's apparently well within spec.
These super skin tight ninja outfits actually work pretty well. Not liking the spandex like pants that wears like pantyhose. They also don't do much since there isn't as much wind flow via e bike and the rev it pants. It also cramping my style. Cough cough.
I will likely get a short sleeve version upon my return. I just don't like long sleeve anything.
Yermo and I had some awesome conversation on perspectives throughout the way. We didn't even notice when we gone 90 some miles and were already in Colorado. Awesome!
Leaning into the wind while going straight was pretty awesome. We didn't get enough cross wind for any significant lean, but at times we were leaning 70 degrees while riding forward. As trucks come by and we are fighting the wind while riding straight. Yermo says "careful when they come next to you, wind will stop" aka I will still be turning to go straight when the wind stop. Also there was the vacuum that happens sometimes when the trucks go by. It was interesting :)
Then there was the heavy gust of wind that blows by, and then your bike shift over 6 inches; like your sliding around on ice.
There was a part where there was nothing. Yermo said "that's what you see if you took I70". route 400 was actually pretty awesome. We roll 60 miles and come into a super small town and then roll out, like in the western movies. 400 is the route to ride thorough Kansas if your slabbing.
We were in pueblo in no time. The sun is really coming down. Even I felt a little warm. Me and Yermo were both rather tired. But the miles were really easy today.
We got to Colorado Springs Starbucks around 5 ish. We decided to take a break and check the weather and head to pikes peak. Unfortunately we got there like 10 minutes late. The mountain closed at 6. 😣
So we decided hey, wtf we come back tmr. And visit something else. Yermo said "oh it's just a bunch of rocks" so I know immediately that means, it's gonna be awesome when I get there. It seem to be a recurring theme. Hahahaha
So garden of the gods we went. It was pretty damn impressive especially at sun set. All the birds nested within the holes of the mountain. You can hear them all over.
We walked a bit and took some pictures. It was "cool" but nothin special. We went up the path and we started regretting that we didn't take some water with us.
So this is why they call it the garden of the gods... It was amazing. The picture doesn't do it justice. It was beyond picturesque. You feel bigger than life as you look down into the garden. The pieces fit together perfectly like a bonsai garden, but these are rocks and trees of epic proportion. It was epic
It was even more awesome we came the time we did, as the sun set all the shadow it casted along the wall of this particular view on the rock. My photography skills...
As we forgo opportunities for the day, we do not have to give them up. Well one would say we were flexible. But it isn't about flexibility. Planning is important, being spontaneous is important. They are two ends of the spectrum. Too much planning, one loses the spontaneity of life. Too much lack of planning, one would go no where.
These things are not new ideas. In fact, they have been in all the holy scriptures and philosophies of life. Balance. Yet, we often try to define ourselves in the terms of spontaneity or efficiency, and seldom both. It is one lesson I have to constantly relearn, one I find hardest to teach my students.
2013 Cross Country (Day 4) - 450 miles
So all this time Yermo has build the Mbymc site to be able to able to have maps that show all our stops via our Garmin zumo... I am now up to speed. I will now post a map of our daily stops for the day. The ozarks best western was really oddly. It was cheaper than expected. It looks like we are some baller yuppies on their BMWs. I discover this critter on the wall.
The weather is heating up so we put on out heat out suites... I rip the sedici that I got from Duncan. Because there are seems along side the arm. But it's useable, just likely will rip more times on this trip. I recon I will throw it away after the trip.
My gums was bothering me, my back kinda stop hurting, my ear was hurting from the ear plugs. Blah blah blah.
We took a slow morning, and are in much better spirits. I think the 6 am on the road was a bit much. We bend to Danny's needs a bit and got out of just riding to ride. We were leaving at like 9:30, as I was leaving some kid pointed to me, I totally freaked and thought it was one of my kiddos catching me out side of school. He might have look familiar, but I was no way going to verify that, hahaha.
A few miles in, we had to GPS the turn we have to make. Then we did out thing and stopped at Starbucks.
We stayed at Starbucks for a good half an hour. It was getting good and hot. The heat out stuff is money.
Then we got gas again after a few hundred miles
It was an unattended gas station. It had wierd above ground gas things with huge gas guns. Looked pretty industrial
We rode forever, and try to get food. Finally when we rode into town, at 2 ish we were tired and hungry. We saw food in the distance... Then we roll up... Bam, we had to wait for this shenanigans and bake in 100 degree sun... Then finally got food. We got some sub at this place.
Still in kansas. It looked like a barren wasteland with a tiny town middle of nowhere.
As we were leaving I ask the hostess+server+cashier hahaha how big is this town. She said... Oh I don't know, we were 3a in high school... I said to her with this look on my face 😒 "what does that mean?" She was like "I don't know blah blah blah." hahaha. She was so frazzled. I just let her get frazzled. I think I'm a master of awkward moments. Lol. I just watch her ramble and squirm and I just walked out when the check was paid. Haha
Gas again. 400 was not as bad. We went through little towns all along the way. It was not all flat, but rather there was different things to see.
We stopped here just under the bridge. I started leading now. It was rather interesting cause the cross wind that we were getting is coming at an angle, and earlier Yermo was telling me, "careful lots of wind, grip the tank don't tight up" I felt nothing. I was caught in his slipstream. Until I led for a good 100 or so miles, then I got the full blast.
Each time a 18 wheeler roll by, I got the full blast of wind versus much much less on the far side. At this stop. I was worn out. It's tough leading, not just paying attention, but this many miles taking windblast, it is physically more exhausting.
Cars and trucks are going at 80 mph. Catching bugs at 80 miles an hour hurts... Just like riding in the rain the last couple day at 80 mph feels like being pelted by BB gun. Even through the leather it hurts. Bare skin, was quite... The sensation. But I'm okay with this kind of pain.
There are some really interesting farm decors, that ran 1000 ft prob. Just random stuff. No clue. Then there are the slaughter houses that we can smell miles away.
We stopped short, real short of our daily goal. We never made it to Colorado. Instead we found dodge city. A famous tourist attraction. Apparently... It's suppose to be cowboy central.
We rolled into dodge city late. Maybe around 8 ish,we got settle with lodging at 9 ish. Soon after we went looking for food. Being a minority, throughout the trip, I notice my surroundings quite a bit. When you walk in you have to be aware of your surroundings. While I do not as Yermo would call it "war game " in my head, I am as I confess, "distracted" by what is happening around me. Maybe distracted is even stronger than the word to describe it.
I simply feel uncomfortable when I'm at a place when I'm treated like an invalid. Hell, that's the reason why I never went into cornerstone in College Park. Because its a white bar. People look at you like you are lost, walked into a wrong place. I use to go into Sante fe bar when it wasn't closed yet, when you go in, it was diverse. You don't feel invisible, and people will look at you when you walk in and recognize you as an individual. It is a feeling one would have to experience to know what it means.
So it was quite odd as we ridden around dodge city looking for food. We pass this shop and there must have been 15 Asian people in the store. In fact they were all Asians. I said "that's odd" and Yermo responded "who do you think built the railroads, they never left".
We stop at a restaurant soon after. As we sat down. A guy started talking to us, saying he was following us through Kansas for a long while and chatted us up. He looked mixed. His name was Albert. Turns out he owns the establishment
Half way through the conversation with Yermo and I, the owner started asking me where I was from. I told him Taiwan. He was like "my wife is from Taiwan!" Then he showed me picture of his 2 daughters his wife and his son. He began to tell me about their lives. Never once did he show Yermo the pictures or talk to him.
My minority friend of dodge city. He was indeed the minority. Our host at the resturant was Albert.
The truth is, I never really hung out with the Asian crowd growing up. I always had African American, Hispanic and Caucasian friends. But beyond that, I play tennis, I play chess, I did Asian club. From athletes to geeks to ethnic clubs, it didn't matter.
Racism is around everyday. Danny our former special forces person, never spoke to me, and never looked me in the eye, but talked to Yermo almost 100% of the time. People are prejudice, and as I look at my middle school kids, and the ones I sent to QOHS two years ago. I know the social elite sits on the top floor and most athletes and Caucasians. I know the ethnic group sits in the cafeteria.
I know, when they were in middle school, they accepted each other more and hung out together. I know that it will change, they may still be "friendly" on all accounts, but some will never be invited to birthday parties, some will never be included in social events. We learn to hate, and we learn to segregate, it was never in our nature.
2013 Cross Country (Day 3) - 425 miles
So I neglected to mention. 1st day, my guts was not doing well. It could be nerves, because everything was fine until 2 days before leaving. 2nd day was fine, but I have develop an aching pain in my right lower gum. It started with throbbing ear pain, then it was gum pain. It definitely bled some when I brush it at night. This morning, I felt it only a little and was completely unaware of it until end of the day. As the ear plug were in longer the gums hurt more. There may be a correlation.
As I write this, my gum is hurting more than even yesterday. It's not debilitating, but it is a constant aching pain. I was again shocked to see Yermo alive this early in the morning
I am less bloated. At that current point, nothing was hurting and I felt good.
Yermo forever with a cup of coffee. We went underway, Danny talked a whole lot at breakfast. He seem quite bother traveling our pace. He kept mention "he is a guy with goals and he achieves them, cause he's special forces." He talked rather loud, and it seem he wanted the whole world to know he was special forces... It's like the alpha male mentality for some guys when they meet other guys who are equally "hardcore" if you will. They seem to need to proof his ranking in the pack. Such ridiculous behavior. Oh well.
Then he said the most hypocritical thing... "I have to conscious set a goal to not have a goal." Aka I'm having a hard time going at your pace, and I need to meet my goal. But I'm gonna set a goal not to set a goal... Really? Isn't that like still setting a goal. So essentially nothing's changed...
As I wrote in my book, most people believe they are making a difference choice when they are making the same one. Change is about changing how one process things. Change ones own logic. We road 90 miles and came to this stop. Later we found out the gas was super lame, and both me and Yermo got less than 40 mpg. It rain so many times today. On and then off. Then on, then off. It was ridiculous. I put on the rain suit like 3 times. The BMW Pro Rain one piece is worth every penny.
We made another stop and went to BWW for lunch. Gassing up before heading into the Ozarks
In the Ozarks,the rest stop
In the next four miles, we end up on the road they called Arkansas dragon. 15 miles of twisties. Surprisingly the road was very well maintained. It went from 50 mph sign to 45, to 35 etc etc to 10. The 10 mile per hour might as well be u turn, it was that tight. I got pretty scared and went at total snail speed. Like 20 maybe.
At one point we stop for a picture in a blind corner. Danny got very worked up. It was kinda dangerous if someone came behind us, but we road the same direction at quite the fast pace. There wasn't anyone going to come up on within a minute or two. Either way, Danny road off, and at the end of the road, we chatted and he said "he can't ride with us." I think we just didn't make as miles as he would like, and it bugged him since last night, and at breakfast, and anytime we stop. He was probably just looking for a reason to go longer and faster on his own.
40 some miles away from eureka springs. Our off road excursion to video the storm and sunny side of the Arkansas weather
We came up on a very cool antique bike grave yard.
We finally did the last 20 miles and we were on the topside of eureka springs. A town within the mountain. Pop 2000 or so. Very neat. Brody told me this is where he stayed for his Ozarks performance. Pretty cool.
This was apparently not the place he performed... For a small town there sure was a lot of performing arts places...
Dinner at the local restaurant. Yermo and I discussing where to go next.
Found a best western just 2 miles out. It's quite the imperial suite for 80 bucks
We plan on making to Colorado tmr. It'll be a long day. It was along day today, especially with how Danny left. Oh well, for all we know, he may have been a child molester, hahaha.
I'm too tire and my gum is hurting too much. I'll likely reflect more another day. For today, it's goodnight.
2013 Cross Country (Day 2) - 370 miles
We got up at 6 am and got to the restaurant at 6:30.... What a fail
The diner doesn't open until 7:30. That's what we get for being efficient and productive. Should of slept in.
It looked like a brilliant morning, and even though we got food at 7:30 and were going to run the gap bag-less for one full pass, then come back to Fontana to checkout, it started raining pretty steady....
In the interest of covering some distance today, we load up and decide to ride through the dragon and go.
Yermo was kind enough to air up my tires, since my aerostitch pump fail to have a BMW attachment.
The rain was steady for the last 20 minutes while we packed. We got in our monkey suit... And long and behold...
The rain stopped... We met that guy. He was going to Alaska to pick up a 1200gs and ride around. Go figures. Being sarcastic "let me go to Germany tmr, and buy a Lamborghini and tool around" where these people have the money and time...hahaha
Stop at the lake, it was drizzling, but hardly enough to wear the rain gear. Started to feel better.
When we got to the dragon Yermo was not feeling too hot, so we stopped, he went and got coffee, I picked up another can of plexus. My can is almost out.
Then I went to killboys new shop to check it out. It has expanded quite a bit since last year. The loft is completed and there is a metal dragon sculpture now
As the rain stop, the traffic started to pick up on the dragon. The rain suits became unbearably hot. So off they went.
Halfway point on the dragon. The last time we came down here, Yermo didn't have the Sena unit, this time was interesting as Yermo guided me play by play each turn. The ground was still wet, so I was a bit skittish. We went through rather slow. Nevertheless it was still a lot of fun, and re learn a lot of things.
We waited here for two trucks to make it down first, cause they were holding up our fun. This was almost at the end.
Lunch soon came after at waffle house. Just outside of Knoxville, TN. 80 miles so far.
We then follow suit to Starbucks after gassing up. We rested a while longer
The day has started to get easier. Actually look forward to riding and just go. We have a rough idea where we will go, but we don't really have any direct route. It doesn't matter, I was starting to enjoy just being on the road, regardless the location.
We pass Danny on US 40. He join up behind us. He was rocking a f650gs thumper. Later we met at the gas station. He is apparently a former military medical something. Either way, we were heading the same direction, he ask if he can tag along and just ride with us, we happily accepted. He had lots of story on the bike, including injury his head and having poor memory. Yermo handed him a card, asked him if he will "remember us when he see the card later" he took a picture of us just so he would remember. #epic 150 miles so far.
We were near Nashville at this point. The storm was very intermittent. We got dump on, then it was 80 degrees then more rain and repeat. Yermo has taught me the Jedi master way of avoiding the sucker hole. (Putting the rain suit on for 5 miles and then having to remove it again, because its too hot, and then repeat and repeat.)
Between gassing up and being on our way, it was all sunny again... #crazy weather
And then I killed a butterfly. It just flew into my helmet. So gross. Bucksnort ,TN. Danny is still with us. We are gonna grab dinner soon. A giant moth, I hope I don't catch that on my face shield ...
After food at a local place, we left another 30 some miles, ending today's adventure at 370 miles. We are about 100 miles from Memphis
Danny is logging up with us, they gave us a cot and we have three beds in a two bed place. 20 bucks a person. Can't beat that. They even have brkfast. Danny will be riding with us all day tmr, and show us some routes. It seems like he has a lot of miles under him. Pretty awesome.
I look stoned. I feel like I look like this every night. Tire and hundreds of miles of wind blast to the face.
I've not felt this free for a long time. I have no desire to turn around, or go home. I have no desire to be in the comfort of my house. I will have to say, I do like southern people, they are so much nicer than the city folks. I heard alot of conversation exchanged between the older white men. :p At time, I felt left out, since I did not have such adventure to share, nor do I have as much experience, but you learn what you can, with what is given.
The most important one, I would say would be that "you can plan, and you should plan, but have no expectations." This is a ride cross country, that is the plan, but it is not to say we have to see anything specific for certain. We left the dragon early, we could of ran it a few more times. I think Yermo really wanted to run it more times. But if we did, we wouldn't have met Danny.
Although, Yermo and Danny spoke of expectations in motorcycle terms, it does apply to a lot of things. Many people do a lot of things with preconception of how it will turn out, or how it needs to turn out. When those expectations are the same as reality they are either disappointed or bored. We are influence by media so strongly. What should be, and what fun looks like. We forget that more often than not, what is fun is the unexpected.
2013 Cross Country (Day 1) - 620 miles
Today is the first day of our trip. I got up at 5:00 and waited till 5:15 to call Phaedon to make sure he will be at Yermos at 6 to pick up my keys. To my surprise he reply immediately as I text him. "I was up at 4:30". Okay I wasn't really surprise, I knew Phaedon was reliable. I got showered and dressed. When I arrive at Yermo's both bikes were already out and ready. Its an interesting feeling dealing with reliable people. Being able to depend on people. Being on time, and keeping your word has always been out of respect for others, but more importantly, respect and expectation for myself. Many people do not value those values any longer.
After a few photos, we left at 6:01 am. I was so tired. I slept only 4 hours the night before. Maybe it's anxiety. I was however alert enough to ride.
Before long we did 90 miles and stopped at our usual first rest point, Front Royal, VA. We were going a pretty good clip. I felt rather excited. I didn't look down at the odometer, just at the road ahead. It was quite the burden last year doing the whole way back from the dragon, albeit it was crazy hot. Today, seem much easier. Expectation is such a powerful anesthetic, if you do not know what to expect, it seems the pain is interminable. While if you knew what is coming, the same act seem less burdensome and less taxing.
Our first gas stop. All the stop we stop for gas or rest seem very familiar. Yermo said to me that "he seem to stop at the same place each time. At first I thought, maybe he is familiar and comfortable with the place. While that maybe true, we stop when we don't need to stop, and we take periodic breaks whether we need it or not. It's good practice, it's discipline to keep not only yourself safe, but all those you ride with. Naturally, if we took the same route, we stop at the same mile markers.
220 miles in Acadia. Shell gas station. Just break, no gas, we only had 80 miles on the tank, we will stop in the next 80 mile marker.
300 miles, at the sportsman general store. This was actually a new place. We missed a exit and had to go to the next one. It was right by the lake. The lake didn't come out well in the picture. We then broke for lunch soon after at Shoneys at the next available town.
We then made it to Bristol va. As we roll up into the Starbucks, I remember last year at 120 degree weather, we met some guy from bmore or something chatting us up as he was going back home as well. I remember him to be quite loud.
Some places the water is just better than other places. And Bristol, at least today, was one of those places. Guy at the counter asked if those were our BMW bikes, I said "yea, we are headed to Seattle". He said cool and some small talk. I went to pick up my drink, and a light red head barista asked, "so does your bike have names." She was standing 6 feet away as she fixes the stuff on the counter next to me. Okay, she was really cute. Do I think she was flirting? Maybe.
Leaving Bristol the sun came out, Yermo turned very Asian all of a sudden.
At 440 miles at Metcalf Overlook on route 26
We parked our bikes over 300 ft away
Darn it was bright. I was falling asleep at this point. Like crashing type of falling asleep.
Then we took a crazy detour to this k bike camping ground. This was a planned route, just didn't know it was this far. This took a lot of time. And it was quite disappointing. Unlike the e30 gathering of custom mods, it was all stock bikes. Stock suspension for the most part. Yawn...
I did get two photos for Duncan on the k1. The black one is pretty awesome #dowant
It was getting late and we still had 80 miles to Fontana. At one point, I had to tell Yermo to pull over because my shoulder was cramping up. This guy that lives in the area chatted up Yermo, while I walked around to loosen up. We did about 600 miles by then.
At around 5:15. My Sena unit battery decide to die, I think the music killed the battery via Bluetooth. I pulled out my accessory USB power, courtesy of rob Shaunessey, and plug it right in and tucked it in my jacket. Yermo took a picture of it charging, and I was able to use it. Apparently when the unit is plugged in, it amplified its volume and clarity... Hm...
Then we did the last 20 miles to Fontana, or rather the Dragon preparation roads. It's surprising how bad I've gotten over the year. Complacency is pretty bad. Shoulder was tight, hands were tight, body position is off, on and off throttle is inconsistent. Sigh.... Lame.
Finally got to Fontana at 7:30, Then we went to get food.
So the oil came with the bread that's as under the wrapping. The waiter goes "some bread for you." So I try to look under the wrapping, and Yermo goes... "The bread isn't there, they are gonna bring it out." Long behold it was under the covers. Hahaha. Hilarious.
As we ate dinner, I remember a year and some ago, we were here. Things were different then. For both of us. It was quite the dejavoo moment. Many times in the conversation, I went back and forth to the year before. Not knowing which trip this was. All the responsibility and the baggages I had last year, they are no more. The book was done, what else is next?
Sometime during dinner the question was posed, "what is the story of this trip?" I thought I knew. It was rather clear for the last few month. I wanted to write about the backstory, the reason why I need to find myself again, etc etc. In fact, it was cleared until that question at dinner. I looked down at my phone and the photos I took, and how it would relate to the story I would like to tell. The story I wanted to tell about why I'm not sharing this with her. How I want to overcome this and that, all seem to matter no longer. Right now, I just want to get up, ride the dragon. I want to see the Ozarks and Pikes Peak, and most of all the Pacific Ocean.
Maybe I'll figure out the story along the way.
11:55 at Fontana resort
2013 Cross Country - Packing and Bike Prep
So I ask Yermo to come with me to this cross country trip. I will post more back story to come as I get underway. I want to post an overview of the trip and packing list.
This is our proposed trip. The trip is planned for July 13th to August 3rd or 5th. A total of 21 to 23 days. We will go south first to deals gap. From there head west to the ozarks. We will then move towards Colorado. Pacific coast highway, then up to Seattle.
I got my bike prepped with the help of Yermo last week
Yesterday Yermos bike ran into some trouble with his bike
But at 7 pm today we manage to tidy everything up, I also wired up this gizmo into the bike hatch, so my phone will be charged the whole time when I'm underway. This was an issue last year in the mountains. My phone keeps dying cause it keeps searching for service due to lack of reception in the mountain.
I also worked a bit on packing this time, since I needed a lot more tools and equipment to be comfortable going through many temperature changes in the mountains. My main suit is the rev it ignition 2. It is a half mesh and half leather suit. It does heat up quite a bit when your not moving, being black it sucks up the heat fast. Along with my shoei rf1100 chroma helmet. There are liners for the rev it suit, but they are more like emergency items, since they aren't exactly adequate for more dramatic temperature and weather changes. I packed the liners in with the tools.
Electronics which will mostly be packed in the tank bag will include, Garmin zumo550. Go pro hero 2. A Sena SMH10 on the helmet and a spare in my bag. My phone, my iPad mini, and misc charge cords. Enough tech to go to the moon. You are also looking at over 2 grand of farkles that will be obsolete in another year. If not already
Rest of the gear including BMW silk glove liner, BMW Atlantis 3 gloves (waterproof), BMW one piece rain suit, rev it fly (my summer glove), aerostitch kanetsu heated vest, a quart of oil, aerostitch portable tire compressor, bag of misc tools and tie ties, tank bag extender, my GPS stuff, revit liners. I would find the spare oil filter later and shove it in the case somewhere.
This is how it looks fitted. This is the left saddle. The side with the side stand, which is the side where I also come off the bike. All these items are carefully chosen as items I will consistently need when weather changes. It is on the most accessible side.
For the clothing, I decided to use the bag liner, that way when I get to the hotel, I don't have to use the hard case, I can just grab the duffel and go inside with a shoulder strap. It may not seem like much, but convienence will likely play a big part when we are exhausted and looking for lodging.
So I packed a toiletries, sedici cooling suit courtesy of Duncan sterling, rev it socks, alpine star socks, 1 pair of casual pants, sandles, swim shorts, thermos, fleece jacket, some tiger balm type pads in case we have injuries or muscle fatigue that requires it.
Finally my tank bag, with plastic cleaner for lens, the red water container, microfiber towels, glasses, electronics, Mbymc hat, and some other nic nac I need.
Well that's it for now. We have a 6 am departure time, and it's almost midnight.