2013 Cross Country (Day 3) - 425 miles
So I neglected to mention. 1st day, my guts was not doing well. It could be nerves, because everything was fine until 2 days before leaving. 2nd day was fine, but I have develop an aching pain in my right lower gum. It started with throbbing ear pain, then it was gum pain. It definitely bled some when I brush it at night. This morning, I felt it only a little and was completely unaware of it until end of the day. As the ear plug were in longer the gums hurt more. There may be a correlation.
As I write this, my gum is hurting more than even yesterday. It's not debilitating, but it is a constant aching pain. I was again shocked to see Yermo alive this early in the morning
I am less bloated. At that current point, nothing was hurting and I felt good.
Yermo forever with a cup of coffee. We went underway, Danny talked a whole lot at breakfast. He seem quite bother traveling our pace. He kept mention "he is a guy with goals and he achieves them, cause he's special forces." He talked rather loud, and it seem he wanted the whole world to know he was special forces... It's like the alpha male mentality for some guys when they meet other guys who are equally "hardcore" if you will. They seem to need to proof his ranking in the pack. Such ridiculous behavior. Oh well.
Then he said the most hypocritical thing... "I have to conscious set a goal to not have a goal." Aka I'm having a hard time going at your pace, and I need to meet my goal. But I'm gonna set a goal not to set a goal... Really? Isn't that like still setting a goal. So essentially nothing's changed...
As I wrote in my book, most people believe they are making a difference choice when they are making the same one. Change is about changing how one process things. Change ones own logic. We road 90 miles and came to this stop. Later we found out the gas was super lame, and both me and Yermo got less than 40 mpg. It rain so many times today. On and then off. Then on, then off. It was ridiculous. I put on the rain suit like 3 times. The BMW Pro Rain one piece is worth every penny.
We made another stop and went to BWW for lunch. Gassing up before heading into the Ozarks
In the Ozarks,the rest stop
In the next four miles, we end up on the road they called Arkansas dragon. 15 miles of twisties. Surprisingly the road was very well maintained. It went from 50 mph sign to 45, to 35 etc etc to 10. The 10 mile per hour might as well be u turn, it was that tight. I got pretty scared and went at total snail speed. Like 20 maybe.
At one point we stop for a picture in a blind corner. Danny got very worked up. It was kinda dangerous if someone came behind us, but we road the same direction at quite the fast pace. There wasn't anyone going to come up on within a minute or two. Either way, Danny road off, and at the end of the road, we chatted and he said "he can't ride with us." I think we just didn't make as miles as he would like, and it bugged him since last night, and at breakfast, and anytime we stop. He was probably just looking for a reason to go longer and faster on his own.
40 some miles away from eureka springs. Our off road excursion to video the storm and sunny side of the Arkansas weather
We came up on a very cool antique bike grave yard.
We finally did the last 20 miles and we were on the topside of eureka springs. A town within the mountain. Pop 2000 or so. Very neat. Brody told me this is where he stayed for his Ozarks performance. Pretty cool.
This was apparently not the place he performed... For a small town there sure was a lot of performing arts places...
Dinner at the local restaurant. Yermo and I discussing where to go next.
Found a best western just 2 miles out. It's quite the imperial suite for 80 bucks
We plan on making to Colorado tmr. It'll be a long day. It was along day today, especially with how Danny left. Oh well, for all we know, he may have been a child molester, hahaha.
I'm too tire and my gum is hurting too much. I'll likely reflect more another day. For today, it's goodnight.