Outdoor Education 2013 RMS
Ok I have always attended outdoor ed, even when I was in high school. It was a much different time then. We went to a place 2.5 hours away. We were gone for an entire week. The food was pretty good. And we had much more autonomy. Cell phones were just becoming introduced, and I did not have one yet, there was no such thing as gps. Let's not forget we still had film instead of digital. In many ways, we had a true outdoor experience. We had total trust by the teachers. We had our own cabins, and we were responsible for 20 of our own kids. As the night came, we had many down times. We socialized in the common room and talk till he stars were the only thing that lit up the sky.
There were numerous experiences the kids learn in ode when we are there for a week and far far away. Like how not to stay up, because by the third day you'll be hurting. How kids become ill and have to depend on thier teacher, as loco parente. Where they can't run home every second, and the wisdom of growing up when they need to. Even if one child act out and pay the price, the rest 200 kids learn from thier mistake. It is a something I always felt amiss when we are there for such a short time. The kids act out and then thier parent pick them up, or they go days of staying up late, and when it's time to learn the important lesson of pacing themselves, they get to go home.
Every year, when I volunteer for ode I always get the most interesting reaction from people. Really? Your going again? You are braver than me. Or I'm not spending night. I often question many of the decision I make that seem more out of habit rather than choice.
Why? The obvious reason is, "I do it for the kids". Or do I? I love working with the counselors as well, maybe I go as my only opportunity to work with older students. Or maybe I just like the outdoor. But then there is the part of me being a masochist, maybe the mundane of plush life just isn't my cup of tea.
I took pictures of the first group leaving. I only showed up in the afternoon. I figures since this year, since I am not running the program, I would take pictures instead. I took a ton of pictures.
First day I did stream study's at 3pm. It seem as if these kid never been outside in thier entire life. I wouldn't be surprise if that was true. I remember catching crayfish and running in the woods, falling in the water as an afternoon social event during my growing year. There was no technology then, and we were so much more in touch with our surrounding.
So he try to go under, and totally face planted in the water, they had a great time. Hahaha
The days catch
Action shot. No idea who this is. Hahaha
Second session I stayed the whole time.
I ran the predator prey simulation. I ran everytime. I was beat by the 2nd lesson, but I kept running. I didn't want the later group to have any less fun. They relish to proof thier agility against my old age and deceit.
It was awesome his year, cause the grass wasn't trimmed, I was able to go incognito in the grass.
The counselor chatted with me after the kiddos went to bed.
I didn't think Davis was coming, but when is saw him, it was a pleasant surprise. Jaleel taught me what a shape up is. Liya is awesome as usual. Jasmin showed me she can talk on the phone for 4 hours with her boyfriend. Velycia the self proclaim queen, was very funny, really enjoy her sense of humor. David is a techie and very chill. Keren said I look high maintenance.... You know who else said that last year ... When I ask her, she said, because I'm asian and she assume. 😒. That one stereo type I'm new to.
So as I sit here in my usual stabux, I wonder. Why do I enjoy it so much. I guess it's because, out there, even though we now have many technology to distract us, it is still a place, where everyone the kiddos and all the young adults shed thier social pressures and just enjoy each other's company. Everyone comes to thier own at different times. Sometimes right away, some second night, and some the moment before we leave. These are people that may never be friends in school, never hung out in the same crowd. But out here, we have geek, the queen bee, the shy recluse, the tech junkie, the in between, and everyone else in between. Foregoing the social pressure, social expectations, age, gender, race. I see them at thier purest form, their capacity for good.
Maybe that's why I'm out here every year, to see everyone at thier best, even if it's just for the moment. It gives me hope, that maybe just one of them will overcome thier social expectations and become more than they ever thought they could be.
1500 years ago, we were so sure the earth is the center of the universe, 150 years ago we all believe slavery was necessary, 15 years ago most believe personal computer is impossible, years ago we all thought we were going to grow up together. 1.5 years ago I went to my college roommate and one of my best friends funeral that is in the picture above.
As I joke around with the counselors, zfg, zfg, what I really want to tell them is, life is not a trend or social status. It's what you want to do, and when you are strong enough to do what is required even if it's against the grain, or trumps social expectations from your peers, you know you have the emotional maturity to take on all the bullock in this world. And let me tell you, it's all bullock.